Lean constrcution is emerging in India, Though it's popular in USA and being practiced in construction to minimize waste and increse efficiecny.
To make it more popular there is a need of collaboration between Academia and Industry. There are many research done in USA and other part of the world. However in India IIT Madras and NICMAR are few Academia leading Lean curriculum & research along with industry partners. More institutes need to collaborate with industry experts to create awareness. Jamia Millia Islamia shall also come forward to contribute in the filed of Lean Construction.
Let's understand the history of Lean in Manufacturing; Lean emerges during the second world war, when Toyota resumed their manufacturing and found due to less & varied demand of production they need to innovate and improvise their production facility to match the demand. Hence they started finding the ways to improve production by identifying wastes and eliminating them to increase efficiecny.
As we know there are many wastes associate with the construction industry, recent research suggests 30% of the construction is rework, labor is used at only 30-40% of potential efficiency, accidents account for 3-6% of total project costs, and atleast 10% of materials are wasted.
The message is clear; there is plenty of scope for improving efficiecny and quality simply by taking waste out of construction.
There are three type of wastes associated with activities; value added, non-value added (essential) and non-value added (non-essential).Non value added items (non-essentials) are waste and hence need to be eliminated.
I will write more about different type of wastes in next article, you can also connect with me on info@theleanconstruction.com