Education means a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits are transferred from one generation to the next generation. The education of a person starts when he born. At the early stage, the most important teachers of a child are his parents and especially his mother's. Because one mother can teach his child best. As there are three levels of education primary, secondary and tertiary. Today Human beings need to have a specific set of skills to survive in this competitive world as well as progress. This set of skills can be referred to as Education.
Being educated helps in deciding why to vote for a particular party over the other. Uneducated people are unaware of the importance of choosing the right people to vote for. Hence, being educated shows us the importance of voting. In the economy of a country positively education helps to decide whom to vote in order to make a difference.
Education plays the great role in health. As if the peoples of a country are healthy then they can work hard and good. People in developing countries are totally unaware of the importance of good health. Very few people understand the importance of personal hygiene! Many diseases are caused by ignorant people who do things that make the diseases spread.
In general, all levels of education are important but the most important one is tertiary level, which Includes College, university, and higher education. In this stage, the students have to face many difficulties and learn more about every field of life. Also within the teen ages, a child has the sharp mind so they can learn everything in every field. In other words, they can think both positively and negatively and they can show a good result in both fields. So here the education plays the important role to teach a child that what is right and what is wrong? If they have to teach well means teach positively then they can show a good result in developing a country. So that's the reason that tertiary level of education plays an Importance of Education In A Country's Progress.